Hi everyone,

As winter is upon us, the cooler days and chilly nights can have an effect on our moods and overall energy levels. We are less likely to be outdoors soaking up the necessary Vitamin D we all need for a positive outlook and health. This means, we may see a drop in our happy feeling..as we get up in the dark for work, and often return after dark or close to it at the end of our day. All these things can great take its toll after a few weeks of the same, and being aware of what is happening, is an important step to changing the cycle.

On the sunny days, make sure you do get out into the sun. We need the warmth and the sunshine to build up our Vit D levels, too little or too much both can diminish our natural happy feelings. Take a walk in a park, walk the dog or go with your kids. There is nothing quite like a walk of any length.

Have you stopped to notice how a morning walk, makes you feel fabulous and energetic all day long. If you are not a morning person like me, even a mid morning or lunchtime walk is better than nothing. It not only warms up the whole body for the rest of the day, but fills our lungs with fresh air, gives the body the exercise it needs for good health, but does wonders for your mind and mental health.

A walk gives your minds eye a variety of moving pictures to process for not only the duration of the walk, but for the remainder of the day. These pictures do many things for your mind. Not only improves and enhances the levels of serotonin in your brain (our natural happy chemicals), but they feed our minds with ideas and inspiration. After a morning walk, our energy levels are raised naturally, as we often find we can perform the tasks for the day faster and more productively.

Try a regular walk each morning if you are not already in the habit of doing one. Take a mental note of the changes you experience during your days with a walk, and without a walk. It need not be  a marathon, even 10-15 minutes will make a huge difference.

Hi Everyone,
This is the first blog for "Aspire to Inspire", this way I can keep you up to date with what's new on the website, what is happening, and what plans for the future are in progress.
What you see on Aspire to Inspire so far, is only the very beginning.

I am sure you would appreciate the time involved to get this far. In the 8 short weeks since the Facebook page was started, followed soon after by the website, there have been approx. 1700 hits. Of course many people visit regularly, which is included in that number, although I have not included the actual page views, which is even higher.
Thank you for the support and encouragement you have given me while I have been working on setting up the website, and I cherish the messages and emails that come through to me from readers who are enjoying the material.

Most of us are looking for the keys to happiness, so I am devoting a lot of my writing to topics that are based around what brings happiness into our lives. Forgiveness, giving to others, acceptance and kindness are all steps towards living a life that is fulled with happiness and peace.
Of all my personal searching and reading I have done over the years, I can say with confidence, that happiness is where we are and was with us all along. As Maslow so wonderfully says in the quote attached, it is found in the ordinary, in our daily lives. However, while we might consciously know this, being in a state of mind, where we can fully accept and grasp onto this happiness available, its something that takes time to learn and understand. This is where I hope to lead you through my writing, so that you too can enjoy the type of life your heart desires.

Thank you again for all your support and encouragement,
Your messages truly inspire me.

NEW for the Website....POSTS and QUOTES...
Some are original quotes, while others are quotes from other writers.
You can flick through the post photos, and use which ones you would like to enhance your emails or Facebook posts. Conditions of use, is that the website and photo source remain on the photo. More photos will be added regularly, covering a wide variety if subjects, designed to bring a positive message to you. My aim is to provide photos with quotes that are relevant and colourful. Simply click on the photos to enlarge.
I hope you enjoy the posts,

    Leah Andrea

    Founder and Writer of
    Aspire to Inspire...
    devoted to bringing you a
    collection of inspired writings, in the hope to encourage and stir the hearts of all who seek.


    June 2013
    May 2013

